Sunday, May 3, 2009

The answer? Gravity!

I have no idea why people are still okay with loving and then letting go rather than not loving at all. Despite having the intellect to bring about tremendous scientific achievements, why is it that man falls for this soul-intoxicating emotion called love when it's so painful once its over? Obviously, the cherishable memories that moments in love gives us is something that can be treasured for life. However, the pain of having let gone presides over all those warm memories and inevitably puts you in grief every time you recall the experience. Does the pain subside with time? Maybe. Does it fully disappear with time? No, it doesnt. It probably goes numb but that's as far as it goes. When they say 'Time heals', remember, a healed wound doesn't always return back to the way things were before the injury. It just seems better superficially but if you open it up and explore the wound far enough, you just might hit the same level of pain you once felt. Yet, consiously or subconsiously, man continues to fall in love. Newton defines gravity as being "the force that causes any two objects in the universe to be drawn to one another". I wonder if the so-called "apples" he based his theory on were actually just people....people that were madly in love.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Dear Year 4, Talk to you soon!

Ahh done exams. what a relief. Time to move on to bigger and better things.
The heavy rain last night didnt stop me from taking my walk...yea I must really be enjoying it to have that kind of motivation. However, the earthworms were having their annual reunion on the walkways and as it got darker, I was literally jumping from side to side to avoid accidentally squishing their water-clogged bodies. I remember one of my first year biology profs joking about how these earth worms come out of the soil in April to check out potential partners. I did notice a lot of worm couples as it got darker. As disgusted as i was, I must say their love lives were going better than mine.

So there's this silly thing that's been bothering me for the past day or so. Someone said to me how they absolutely hate fake accents and that Indians should continue to speak in an Indian accent even when living in North America. However, that person also added that it's important to dress like North Americans in order to fit in. I'm not sure I understand the logic here. What is the point dressing up to 'fit in' and then talking like a fob? Honestly, I think it's important to work on getting the accent right because I know native Americans that genuinely cannot understand the Indian accent. I mean, when in Rome, BE like the Romans; not just DRESS like them.
Am I being petty? hey but that's what this blog is about - the petty things in life lol.