Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Walking - My new found love

I've taken up a new activity since last week: A two hour walk after sunset along the walkways of our very quiet and peaceful residential area. The reason I decided to make this a mandatory event in the midst of my chaotic school routine was obviously for health reasons. But now i think more than anything else, a long walk by myself is the best mental exercise I could ever get. I mean, spending two hours walking with just my mind to keep me company is the most relaxing experience I've had lately. With no textbooks/a stack of lecture handouts/computer/phone readily accessible, one is almost forced to focus on the self. Keeping in touch with your mind and listening carefully to everything it has to say to you or has been struggling to deal with on its own is such an important but often neglected activity of life. Not to sound like someone with a below average self-esteem but with all the introspection, I think I'm actually starting to like myself..a little. The thing is, I've always thought there's nothing really that I've had to think about in life. It's all about school for me! That's all that has been there for the past two decades of my life and really, why would one want to spend time pondering on academics. So on the first day, I made sure I had enough songs on my iPod to last me exactly 120 minutes or otherwise I'd be 'bored to death'. However, as I started walking, without even trying, there were so many things that my mind was trying to tell me. hehe i know it's starting to sound like my mind works independantly of my body, which sometimes is something I almost believe is true.

So I think this new found love for long walks is something I am going to stick to for life - and now that I've written it somewhere, there's a slightly better chance of me living up to my word.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Impromptu introductory speech

So this is my first ever attempt at blogging - I'm sure that's a standard opening line for many here. I never thought I would take an active interest in writing. I despised english composition classes in high school. It was a nightmare for me to write a 200 word essay in 2 hours. Now when I think back, that was probably some of the easiest graded work I must've ever done. Getting into a professional program at university is really one of the best ways to realize how easy high school was. (Although at the time i remember equating grade 10 physics to one of the greatest challenges mankind has to face). I think that's enough about academics. That's not even why i started blogging. I guess a university student's mind is so pre-occupied with courses/midterms/exams/etc that somehow it's one of the first topics that we throw out for discussion.

So what does one blog about? I havent read too many blogs but I remember concluding that one can blog about absolutely anything. (?) I still need to confirm that.

My motivation to blog stems from the reason why I thought blogging was not for me. Let me explain. If someone asked me to talk about interesting happenings in my life, I'd probably just have to stare at them blankly. My life isn't one that has gone through exciting events/adventures. Did that mean I'd never have anything to say about myself, I wondered. I mean, that's just plain sad. Soon i was asking myself, 'Isn't the sum of many little things in life that shape us into who we are?' One probably pays little attention to the tiny details of daily living but each small detail helps etch us out into the personality that we are. And with that said, I introduce my blog to you: The Little Things in Life