Saturday, September 26, 2009

feels good to be back

Obviously, life got in the way of writing my blogs...hence the 4-month silence. Acutally, this blog would have been written about 3 weeks earlier but when i arrived at this site to log in, it said that my blog didnt exist! *wipes tears away*. so i figured that was the end of the whole blogging fad for me until i stumbled across a friend's blog. it felt just like mine. it was filled with meaningful nothings and that instantly inspired me to try logging in to my account one more time to see if it worked. lo and behold, im here! woo!

so the last couple of months have been very eventful. my brother's engagment, a trip to dubai and india, a weekend in kingston (Ontario) and a weekday in New York. I love travelling. i mean i hate the actual sitting in a plane bit but i love destinations! its the ideal way to take a break from one's monotonous routine.

classes have started, stress is creeping in. the only way i could tell was because i had like 15 different dreams last night and somehow, in each one of them, i was cramming (and i mean seriously cramming) for an exam. what a peaceful night eh.

got an insane oral exam coming up on monday. got to cram. tty tomorrow.

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